This article aims to compare video quality between\nH.264 and MPEG-2 compression methods through an objective\nanalysis. The method used to assess the video in the test is\nthrough comparison with the reference video. The tests were\nconducted using Picture Quality Analysis (PQA) equipment. The\nPQA has the following methods for an objective evaluation:\nPicture Quality Rating (PQR) and Differential Mean Opinion\nScore (DMOS). The PQR and DMOS methods are objective\nevaluations approaching subjective evaluations.\nBy only analyzing the video compression imperfections, i.e., no\npacket loss, it can be seen that H.264 presents video quality\nequivalent to MPEG-2 with a transmission rate about two times\nsmaller. However, the study completed for this article relates to\nvideo quality with packet loss in the transport layer of the ISDBTB\ntransmission system, this shows that H.264 suffers a bigger\nloss in video quality than MPEG-2 with the same value in\nrelation to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the transmission\nchannel, into the ISDB-TB receiver. To generate error packets in\nthe transmission, white noise was added between the transmitted\nand received signal. The test results show that H.264 provides\nsuperior video quality when compared to MPEG-2, with no\npacket loss, but with packet loss, MPEG-2 provides better video\nquality than H.264.